No one likes the pain and discomfort associated with dental work. When you throw in the anxiety that most people feel just at the thought of going to the dentist, making an appointment with your dentist might be the last thing you want to do.
For the past century, Novacain has been the standard treatment for dental procedures. In the last few years, however, a new style of pain prevention has changed the face of dental pain treatment forever. In fact, the new system of pain relief, single tooth anesthesia (STA) , makes going to the dentist as simple and pain free as possible.
What is the STA?
The single tooth anesthesia (STA) is a computer controlled injection that allows the dentist to give localized numbing only to the tooth that actually needs it. The amount of medicine is controlled by a computer and provides a slow, steady stream of anesthesia for optimal pain control.
Reduces Anxiety
Researchers found that the STA wand actually creates less anxiety than other forms of injections. In fact, it is smaller than some needles and allows the dentist complete control over the area being worked on. One study found this form of dental anesthesia produced the least amount of anxiety in patients.
You can relax, knowing that the STA provides just the right amount of pain relief in the exact spot that it is needed. The guess work is virtually eliminated for the dentist, giving you the confidence and security you need to relax in the dentist’s chair.
Reduces Pain and Numbness
The STA method localizes the numbness to just one tooth: the one that is actually being worked on. This reduces the overall numbness that can have a direct impact on your speedy recovery.
The Future of Dental Technology
There is little doubt that technology is changing in every facet of society at a breakneck speed. The same is true in dental technology. Researchers continue to work to make your time spent in the dentist’s chair as quick and painless as possible.
The new STA technology is a reminder that things are changing and we are continually seeking to enhance your dental experience. While there will probably never be a day that you actually look forward to sitting in your dentist’s chair, we are confident it will be as minimally invasive and painless as possible.
So, just how great is this new STA technology? It won the 2008 Canon Communications' Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA).
The STA is one more way to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. When treatment is required, however, you are able to get in and out of the office quickly and with the least amount of discomfort and anxiety.
Very informative video! Sounds like great technology for those people who are looking for a different solution to the traditional numbing technique.
Great job Dr.McCaslin! I think it is the perfect solution for those who are hesitant about dental work...nice work Evergreen Dental!
Well there be nothing to be scared of dental treatment because their are new ways and techniques.Michigan teeth whitening
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